Sunday, November 4, 2012


Hello my name is Ashlyn. I have autism. Autism does not describe me it is just part of me. For schooling I am in more then half of my day in general education classes and the rest spent in special education for study skills and language arts. I am in the 11th grade and loving every minute of it.


  1. This is great, so proud of you for starting a blog!

  2. Hi, Ashlyn! I found your blog through your mom. (Don't tell her I told you this, but she is very, very proud of you!) I look forward to reading your stories and thoughts.

    I have a son with autism. He is almost nine but cannot speak or write yet. I hope that one day he can write a blog, too.

  3. Hi Ashlyn! Nice to 'meet' you!

  4. Hi, Ashlyn! I am excited to read your blog. I have a son who has autism and he is 9 years old. I love to hear from teens and adults who have autism, because I think that gives me great perspective for my son, if that makes sense.

  5. Hi Ashlyn! I'm happy to be reading your blog. My 9-year-old has autism and so do I. I'm looking forward to reading about your experiences!
