Friday, November 9, 2012


Dear friends,
You should always include people with disabilities because image if you were in there footsteps and were always left out. This does not mean just people with disabilities but anyone that you feel needs a friend. Going back to my post about me being manager of the soccer team. That is an example of inclusion. Everyday i feel like I am being included but some days I also feel like i am being excluded.Ways you can include people are

  1. Invite them to sit with you and your friends at lunch
  2. When selecting teams for gym class or recess games do not think twice about having them on your team 
  3. Become friends with them outside of school and hang out with them outside of school     


Always have hope for anyone with autism. It something you can overcome with some help along the way. They will have support all through their schooling. It is so important to have patient with your child. You should always have be their for your child. Though there schooling you should advocate for your child especially during their IEP meetings because you know your child the best. If your child is non-verbal teach them sign language to help them communicate but if your child is verbal talk to them about there frustrations and that can help them not have trouble everyday.   

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Job

Around my high school I am famous for being the varsity girls manager. I love every minute of doing this with those girls. Pretty much all of the girls except me for what i can do than what i cannot do. This year coming up will be my third year do this. They treat me like one of them. One example of this is when they let me play with them on this day called, lady dragon day, it is where the levels of teams varsity, JV and freshman combine and split up on a green team and a white team and play a friendly scrimmage and picnic. This past year we had a lot of seniors graduate. In madder of fact seven graduated this year.    


Hello my name is Ashlyn. I have autism. Autism does not describe me it is just part of me. For schooling I am in more then half of my day in general education classes and the rest spent in special education for study skills and language arts. I am in the 11th grade and loving every minute of it.